Monday 3 November 2014

An Introduction to Mr. Paokaliao

Well hello there :) Like many Singaporeans, I like to eat, and eat, and eat... Well, you get what I mean. Additionally, like many Singaporeans, I like to capture moments through my camera, a nifty EOS 550D. I'm still an amateur taking every possible moment that I'm free to learn more about the various photo-taking techniques.

Henceforth, this blog combines my love for food and photography together, providing insights to food enclaves and eateries located at places you wouldnt thought possible. You might ask: "There are so many well-established blogs out there covering such topics. What sets you apart?" Well, the very reason this blog is named Mr.Paokaliao is because there is a wide variety of lifestyle-based topics covered. From sports (who to pick in your Fantasy League), fitness (training regimes to get you in shape) and music/movie reviews (for the movie buff/music critic in all of us), this blog provides a little of everything, but at the same time not compromising quality.

I'm not a brilliant writer (i cant differentiate between a verb, noun and adjective), but what I can be sure of is that I would try my best to ensure that my 2 cents worth of opinion will allow you to make a more informed decision :)

Stay tuned for more updates coming your way :D

Mr. Paokaliao signing off...